WOW. I'm saving up for one of these puppies for the next short film. The depth of field is staggering, you can basically attach any film lens to your camera. I've been shooting on an HF10, so the Letus35 Mini is perfect.
Nick Campbell from Digital Kitchen gives a presentation on how to be creative and get paid. The presentation is geared towards students trying to get into the industry, but is pretty much relevant all creatives.
Universal Everything’s new MTV international channel spots are very nice, even though I hate MTV and the ever dumbing down of it's broadcasting (excluding the exceptional
If you like this spot, check out Greyscalegorilla's particle system tutorial, very helpful if you're thinking of doing anything like this.
4 years ago I started this blog, writing about the people who inspire me, logging progress on music video and short film productions, branching off into an art gallery, and interviewing creatives.